Hello! I grew up in the California Central Valley.
I have background in flow visualization and kinematics research of the shore crab larva
swimming and sinking behavior. Prior to this, I received a B.S in Biological Sciences
from the University of California Merced. My research background includes coral reef
genomics, marine population and evolutionary genetics. With practical laboratory
experience in zooxanthellae genotyping, SNP development and mircosatellite genotyping
in Tigriopus californicus. I took a gap year after graduating with a B.S and then attended
CSU Fresno for graduate school and obtained a M.S. degree in Biology. During grad
school I also took part in a Cancer Scholar internship where I looked at the role of
elastase in the mechanism of NETosis.
My research interests lie in the areas of life sciences, mathematical biology, and computer science.
My experience includes motion analysis, video tracking, and video object segmentation.